What we do
WENP Vision and Strategy
Our vision is of a thriving natural environment that underpins a healthy and resilient society and economy - vibrant landscapes where nature and people thrive together.
Our current Strategy, 2021-30, prioritises investment in and delivery of projects that deliver the West of England Local Nature Recovery Strategy, with a focus on large and impactful projects.

Nature and Health
The fundamental importance of nature for our health and wellbeing is well understood: good quality natural-rich places help tackle inequalities, support community cohesion, improve physical activity and provide significant mental wellbeing benefits. Nature-based solutions protect us from some of the greatest threats to our health, including flooding, extreme heat and air pollution.
WENP’s Vision for Nature and Health is for nature to be valued and well-integrated into human health systems at multiple levels. This includes nature-based health services being freely available to all who need them in the West of England and for nature to be a part of everyone’s daily lives. Our Strategy for Nature and Health in the West of England sets out key areas of action which all sit in the context of Planetary Health or ‘One Health’, recognising that the health of humans is inseparable from that of our natural world. The strategy is driven by the WENP Nature and Health Strategy Group, which brings together representatives from multiple sectors and organisations.
The regional work on nature and health, including the Healthier with Nature Green Social Prescribing Programme can be found on Nature Health West.

Forest of Avon
Together with the Forest of Avon Trust, we have produced the Forest of Avon Plan: A Tree and Woodland Strategy for the West of England.
The Plan provides sets out a long-term, generational vision for trees and woodlands across the West of England. Harnessing regional demand for trees and woodlands, the Plan will ensure that the right tree is delivered in the right place, maximising the benefits that trees and woodland can provide for nature and people.

Joint Green Infrastructure Strategy
WENP aims to constructively influence spatial planning to ensure that a truly sustainable pattern of development becomes fully integrated into policy, decision making and delivery. WENP formed part of a working group to develop a Joint Green Infrastructure Strategy for the West of England, which aims to ensure a consistent approach to green infrastructure across the region and to secure investment in GI planning and provision, similar to that of other infrastructure. The JGIS Action Plan informs decisions related to GI and drives forward delivery of the Strategy.